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With either Classic or Volume lash extensions, you can achieve the appearance of longer lashes, and a fuller and more defined lashline.

At Joanna Johnson Artistry your result will be tasteful, beautiful and modern.  Whether you want natural, glamorous, or just a little boost, I can create a bespoke look to suit your eyes with a variety of beautiful curls and lengths to choose from, that won’t weigh down your natural lashes. 

For preparation and aftercare advice, please scroll down the page.

AVAILABLE LASH OPTIONS:  Strip Lashes  -  Lash Growth Serum  -  Lash Lift  -  Lash Extensions


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It's always a good idea to check you don't have any sneeky contraindications that may prevent your treatment from going ahead. These could be things such as certain medication types, sensitive or watery eyes, use of eye drops, or breastfeeding to name a few.


Please have a quick read through by clicking HERE to ensure you are all good to go for your lash extensions. 

If you have never had lash extensions before I strongly advise you book in for a free patch test at least 48 hours before your appointment to ensure you are not sensitive to the glue.

Preparation Instructions


  • Do not wear water-proof mascara

  • If you have had a spray tan, ensure guide colour is washed off


  • Do not wear mascara

  • Avoid applying oil-based make-up products on your lashes (or around your eyes)

  • Contact lenses must be removed prior to the treatment, for this reason it is recommend glasses are worn

  • Do not have a spray tan

  • Remove any false lashes

Aftercare - Within the first 48 hours

  1. After your extensions have been applied, stay away from water and steam for the first 48 hours have passed. During this period, the glue is still setting, and if your lashes are disturbed or exposed to water they could fall out early. You can still shower, just make sure you don’t put your head under the water and whatever you do, don’t rub your eyes. This is the most important tip on making extensions last longer.

  2. It can help to sleep on your back. This might be hard if you’re used to sleeping on your front but sleeping with your face pressed against the pillow can damage your lashes. All that pressure on your extensions can make them fall out, so do what you can to sleep on your back. 

Ongoing Aftercare

  1. It’s important to use oil-free products with eyelash extensions, as any oil can loosen the adhesive bonds. 

  2. It's also important to maintain your lash health and hygiene between infills. I stock the Nouveau Lash & Lid Foaming Cleanser (which comes with a Cleansing Brush), to help your lash extensions stay fresh for longer and give you a deep cleanse between lashes to prevent the build-up of dirt and bacteria.

  3. Avoid sleeping with your face mooshed into the pillow, for reasons stated above. 

  4. Lash extensions keep their shape well, especially if they are taken care of. Simply give your lashes a brush with a mascara wand, morning and night. 

  5. To make those extensions last longer, make sure you book in advance for an infill every two to three weeks (depending on your hair growth cycle). No matter how careful you are with your eyelash extensions, we all naturally loose between two to five lashes per eye, per day so as this happens, an infill will fill those gaps as well as remove and replace any lashes that have grown out but are still attached. 

Classic Lash Extensions Rotorua Eyelash infill
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