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I work exclusively with Black Magic Tan to ensure you have the most beautiful tan in town. But what makes Black Magic Tan so highly rated among all tans? Well first and foremost, their solutions:

  • Are odourless

  • Give an amazing tan colour

  • Are fast drying 

  • Don't leave you feeling sticky


As if that's not enough to convince you... Additionally, Black Magic Tan: 

  • Offers customisable tanning solutions

  • Is made using only the highest quality Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) available - that's the active ingredient that leaves your skin tanned

  • Is paraben free

  • Is hypoallergenic

  • Is vegan

  • Is non-comedogenic

Black Magic Tan also contains a variety of botanical ingredients and antioxidants that hydrate and nourish the skin. You can be assured you will always receive the finest quality product which includes a wonderful bounty of ingredients that look after your skin.

The solution is only one part to achieving an incredible tan though. Read on for preparation and aftercare advice and learn what you can do to get the most enviable tan in town. 

Spray Tan Artist Rotorua Preparation Advice Tips


Prior to Tanning Day

  1. Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate - do this every other day leading up to the day of your tan. Simply wet your body in the shower, then gently scrub with an exfoliating mitt or gloves. You an also use an oil-free, gel-based bodywash or soap bar if you wish. Or an oil-free body scrub will do the trick as well.

  2. Moisturise your body daily leading up to your tan. Moisturising twice a day, every day is ideal.

  3. Get any beauty treatments done in the days leading up to your tan. Your tan should be the last treatment before your event, and done one to two days prior to your event.

  4. Shave at least 8 hours prior to your tan if possible, or wax at least 12 hours prior to your tan. 

NB. I strongly recommend booking in for a patch test two weeks prior to your tan if you have extremely sensitive skin, if you suffer allergies or if it is for your wedding and have never had a spray tan before.

Jump to "Prep - Prior to Tanning Day"


On Tanning Day and What to Wear

  1. Ensure your last shower is at least 4 hours before your appointment.

  2. For the most part, after your shower, avoid putting any products on your skin - this includes creams, lotions, deodorant and facial skincare. However, if your skin type is dry, you can actually moisturise after your shower on the day of your tan, BUT it is imperative that you use a tan-friendly moisturiser so that it doesn't affect the result of your tan. If in doubt, though, then leave it out and don't put any products on your skin after the last shower before your tan appointment. (NB. Avoid Aveeno prior to your tan as it will react with the bronzers). 

  3. Wear loose fitting clothing. Ideally your outfit should cover your arms and legs to avoid water/splashes touching your tan or your tan rubbing off on leather car seats or the like. Having said that, you don't want to be so hot that you sweat - that does your tan no favours either. PRO TIP: if you choose to wear shorts and you have leather car seats, ensure you bring a towel to sit on in the car!!

  4. Jandals are generally recommended to wear to your appointment, with the exception of rainy days when you should wear enclosed shoes.

  5. During your tan you can wear whatever you are comfortable in: the nude, a disposable g-string (provided in studio), your bikini or even bra and knickers.  Please note that anyone aged 16 or 17 years old must have a parent or legal guardian present during the tanning session.

Spray Tan Artist Rotorua Preparation Tips Advice
Spray Tan Artist Rotorua Aftercare


Prior to Your First Rinse

  1. If possible, avoid wearing a bra straight away.

  2. Avoid water/moisture coming into contact with your tan until your first rinse - this includes rain, splashes of any kind, sweat ... and don't let the dog lick you!  Remember loose clothing will not ruin your tan but water will! While we are on the topic, if you have young children in your care while you have a fresh tan it’s essential that you wear a long sleeved top and long pants to protect your tan against spills, teething dribble, little wet fingers, tears and so on - You have been warned!  

  3. If you must wash your hands prior to your first rinse (i.e. after using the toilet), use hand sanitiser on the underside of your hands only so as to avoid contact with the tan on the top of your hands.

  4. Avoid touching your skin as it may leave marks on your tan and it may also transfer tan to your hands.

  5. Your first rinse should literally be that. A one to two minute rinse of warm (not hot) water over your whole body in the shower. Use only your hands to rub the bronzer off your skin - no products or accessories should be used in this rinse. You will see the bronzer go down the drain but the DHA (tanning ingredient) will continue to develop your tan up to 24 hours after application.

  6. During your first rinse - do not urinate in the shower! The ammonia in urine will cause streaks in your tan all the way down your legs.

  7. Don't moisturise your skin within 12 hours of receiving your spray tan. Thereafter, use it morning and night for the duration of your tan to keep it nourished.

  8. Your first normal shower should can be anywhere between 12 to 24 hours after receiving your spray tan. The closer to 24 hours you can leave it, the better. 

Jump to "Prep - On Tanning Day & What to Wear
Jump to "Aftercare - Prior to your First Rinse"


How to Look After Your Tan

  1. Once 12 hours have passed since receiving your spray tan, apply an oil-free moisturiser morning and night everyday to keep your skin hydrated and prevent your skin shedding prematurely due to dryness. Choose your moisturiser wisely as there are ingredients used in some that are not tan friendly (see information at bottom of page). Brands such as Cetaphil, CeraVe, or Aveeno are fine to use. Alternatively, Tan Extend can be used as a moisturiser while at the same time helping your tan to last much longer as it contains the tanning agent DHA (perfect if you are going away on holiday!)

  2. Anything that exfoliates your skin exfoliates your spray tan including facial scrubs, waxing, plasters, and nail polish remover. Avoid these if possible to get the most out of your tan.

  3. Use sulfate-FREE shower gel and fragrance-free/alcohol-free lotions to keep your tan beautiful for as long as possible. NB. Dove bodywash has been known to take tan off due to the AHA exfoliant in it.

  4. After showering rather than rubbing yourself dry, pat yourself dry with your towel as much as possible.

  5. A great way to maintain a tan all season long is to care for your tan WHILE prepping well for your next tan. Do this by keeping up with your daily moisturising, then gently exfoliate your skin on day four after receiving your spray tan, and every other day thereafter. This will help your tan fade evenly and be ready for a new spray tan by days 10 to 14. (Alternatively, remove your existing tan in a cinch with the Foaming Tan Remover at least 24 hours prior to coming in for your next spray tan.)

Spray Tan Artist Rotorua Aftercare
Jump to "Aftercare - How to Look After Your Tan
Jump to Hot Tips

But What About ...


You can shave 24 hours after getting your spray tan as the DHA (the active tanning ingredient) is fully developed by then. • Ensure you use a brand new blade as a dull one will remove more skin by comparison. • Press as light as possible. • Reduce shaving frequency if possible. • Use an oil-free shaving product, as oil will remove the tan. • Use a razor without a moisture strip, or • Opt for an electric razor instead


When it comes to extending the life of your tan, these activities aren't exactly "best practice" but hey, we get tanned to look great while doing these things right!? Keep well moisurised before going to the pool, beach or spa and when you get back have a quick shower (in warm not hot water) and moisturise well! Resume your normal twice daily moisturising regime (morning and night time) that same day.

Tan Killers

• Long hot showers or baths • Any product with AHA in it • Baby oil • High SPF sunscreens (don't let this stop you using sunscreen though - Spray tan is not sun protection!) • Swimming in chlorinated pools • Lying on the sandy beach • Soaking in hot spas or baths


Your skin is most likely in a very fragile state and may be sensitive, so adding a spray tan is not going to help and will look extremely patchy as the sunburn peels off. It's recommend that you give your skin time to heal with intense moisturisers, aloe, and hydration. Once your skin seems to be back to its normal state, come on in and get that spray tan you have been wanting.

Ingredients to Avoid

Some lotions contain ingredients that don’t work well with sunless tanning products. They can cause a patchy fade or make your tan appear to be peeling. Some can even strip the color on your tan making it fade out quickly or dry out your skin causing your tan to flake. Avoiding the common lotion ingredients listed below while wearing your sunless tan ensures that your pretty glow lasts as long as possible and fades smoothly. Both are good things. - Mineral oil - Alcohol - Fragrances - Dyes - Essential Oils - Anti-Aging Products- Retin-A, Glycolic, AHA’s - Anti-Acne Products- Salicylic Acid Having said that, ingredients such as shea butter, coconut butter/coconut oil, and aloe vera will nourish your skin and help keep your spray tan fresh and beautiful.

Removing Your Tan

All you need to remove any stubborn or built up tan is a foaming tan remover and exfoliating mitt. Apply the remover to dry skin, wait 15 - 30 minutes and then gently exfoliate – no more wondering how many showers it’s going to take! If you’ve had a bad tan or one that may be too dark or not the colour for you apply the foaming tan remover for only 5 minutes then jump in the shower to rinse and tone down the tan. Then next time, make sure you get Joanna to do your tan! ** Have a chat with Joanna to purchase your Black Magic Foaming Tan Remover and exfoliating mit. **


The two main risks with getting a spray tan while breastfeeding are: • Your baby consuming the tanning product if it has been sprayed on your breasts, and • Transferring the tan (bronzer component) on to your baby with skin to skin contact prior to your first shower where you’ll rinse the bronzer off. The recommendations around this are to: - Avoid getting the breasts sprayed. Wear a bra/bikini or bandeau top during your spray tan, or if you are planning on wearing a backless dress/top then there are sticky bras or nipple covers (i.e. “Tanning Petals”) that you can get to cover the breasts during a spray. - Wear a tank while breastfeeding to cover the torso area and avoid skin to skin contact with baby, transferring bronzer onto them. You won't need to worry about this once you have had your first rinse shower but to be sure you might want to keep covered while breastfeeding until your first proper shower.

Long Haul Flights

Flights can really dry out your skin!! Do what you can to counter this by moisturising before you go. Moisturise at least once during your flight (or twice if a 24 hour flight) and moisturise as soon as practical after your flight. Also it will help to hydrate well - drink loads of water before, during and after your flight.

Times to Avoid Tanning

• It is not safe to get a spray tan during the first trimester of pregnancy. • Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) should not be ingested, inhaled or enter the body internally in any way. So, if you have open cuts/wounds (even covered in medical dressings), scars, or tattoos less than six weeks old you should wait until you are fully healed before getting a spray tan. • It is recommend to avoid getting a spray tan within 24 hours of having IPL, Laser hair removal or other laser skin treatments. • If you have sunburn or your skin is still healing from sunburn it is recommended to postpone your appointment for one or two weeks when your skin has fully healed.

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